Friends, I want you to meet the wonderful human, Phil Barnes. He is a crazy talented songwriter and artist and really has learned how to have laser focus in an industry that often feels like a big confusing blur. Learn something from him and listen to his latest album below.
NAME: Phil Barnes
LOCATION: Studio is located in a co-working facility called Sparkworks Union in East Nashville
WHAT YOU DO?: I'm an artist, and I write and produce for other artists, mostly in the pop world.
WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY LISTENING TO?: To a new artist named Darci.
WHERE I WANT TO GO: My dream is to split my time between Nashville, Los Angeles and NYC chasing down songs with artists I love. Whether it be for my own project or theirs, I have a deep desire to find truth, hope and love and record it.
PIECE OF ADVICE: This article from Derek Sivers changed my life. I strive to make all of my decisions, personally and professionally based on his "Hell Yeah! Or no." principle. Only say yes to things to that make you feel like jumping out of your seat and no to everything else. I found that by saying no to things that do not reach my core, I have more room for the things that do. It's time management from the heart.
LEARNED THE HARD WAY: When a client/writer, etc asked something would be done, I used to tell them the deadline I have set for myself. This led to anxiety, stress and disappointment if life would get in the way and I wouldn't be able to deliver on the time that I promised. Word is everything to me.
I'm working on this by giving a two day buffer between when I commit to finishing something and when i tell the client it will be done. For example, if I can get something done by Wednesday, I will tell them that i can have it done by Friday. This gives me more space, should I need to revisit the track one more time before sending, or if I need to take a meeting that delays the finished product by a day or so. And if I'm able to finish it earlier than what they were expecting — even better! Classic under promising/over delivering.
PROUD OF: My debut record, Make Like Love, that I made with Aaron Krause and mastered by Sam Moses!